I approach designing

learning experiences with joy,

thoughtfulness, and creativity.

My Instructional Design Journey

Welcome! Before I share how I became an instructional designer, I believe an introduction is in order. Hi! I’m Joy. I’m a curious, life-long learner that embraces the pivot, which is how I became an instructional designer. We’ll get to that part a little later.


I spent the first eighteen years of my life in Northwestern Pennsylvania and went on to earn a Bachelor and Master’s degree in social work. Near the end of my graduate studies, I decided to take a gap year. After graduation, I became an au pair, which is a live-in nanny, in Spain.

Teaching Business English in Spain

I worked a few months as au pair, but decided that it wasn’t the right fit for me. I enrolled in Spanish courses and began teaching business English. I enjoyed teaching and the connections I made with my students.

While studying and teaching in Spain, I applied to an alternative teaching certification program called the New York City Teaching Fellows, and was accepted into the program.

After spending several months in Spain, I wrapped up my journey abroad and returned back to the U.S. to pivot into education.

Teaching English Language Learners

I taught English language learners in New York City Public Schools for fifteen years. I enjoyed working with the young learners and I was also able to use the Spanish I learned while abroad to communicate with the families I served, and sometimes the students. Being an educator was fulfilling, but challenging.

In 2021, I was ready to make another pivot.

Transitioning to Instructional Design

After conducting some research, I enrolled in an instructional design bootcamp in January 2022. For six months, I used holidays and evenings to work through the bootcamp course material. As I began to develop my flagship portfolio project everything felt in alignment. I was exhausted after working a long day, but felt energized when I got home and was able to develop my project.

After many job applications, I landed my first instructional design role in December 2022. I’ve been in my current role as a curriculum developer since January 2023. All paths led me to this current professional place and I feel aligned. In my current role, I design and deliver digital learning experiences to thousands of adult learners.


Not only do I love crafting learning experiences, but I also love to learn and immerse myself in new experiences. I am a five-time marathoner, a 200-hr certified yoga instructor, world traveler, and plant lover.

Check out my portfolio