The Challenging Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Do you have what it takes to navigate challenging SME behavior?

I designed this scenario-based eLearning experience for new instructional designers to practice navigating challenging SME behavior.

Audience: New instructional designers that work with SMEs

Responsibilities: eLearning development, storyboarding, instruction design document creation

Tools Used: Articulate Rise 360, Google Docs


The Problem

New instructional designers not only have to balance their job responsibilities, but they also have build and navigate stakeholder relationships.

One of the stakeholders that instructional designers work very closely with are subject matter experts (SMEs). If a SME is unclear on their role they can present challenging behaviors. If the instructional designer doesn’t know how to effectively navigate these behaviors, they can impede project progress i.e., scope creep, missed deadlines, etc.


The Solution

After analyzing common pain points in SME/instructional designer work partnerships, I proposed a scenario-based learning experience. In this experience, new instructional designers have the opportunity to practice the techniques and language needed to effectively navigate challenging SME behavior.


My Process

I developed this scenario-based eLearning experience after identifying common pain points new instructional designers encounter working with SMEs. First, I identified possible skill and knowledge gaps that new IDs may have when attempting to navigate challenging SME behavior. Then, I created a design plan. After that, I storyboarded the concept and designed a beta version of the experience in Rise 360 and shared it with instructional design colleagues. Finally, after applying the feedback received on the beta version, I developed the final iteration of the learning experience.

Design Plan

I created a design plan as a high level course overview. In this document I detailed the course purpose, learning and performance objectives, and organized content by lesson titles.

Design Plan


Text-Based Storyboard

I drafted a text-based storyboard to chart the learner journey through various scenarios where they encounter challenging SME behavior. On this storyboard I also included, course objectives, character dialogue, graphics and technical programming notes.

Storyboard Excerpt

Beta Design

Using the storyboard, I developed a beta version of the scenario-based learning experience. Then, I presented my project to an online community of instructional design colleagues. After receiving feedback, I iterated on my beta design to create the final iteration of the learning experience.

Results and Takeaways

I shared the final iteration of the scenario-based learning experience with an online community of instructional designers. The qualitative feedback received was overwhelmingly positive. Learners stated that the scenarios were very realistic, which was my goal when creating this learning experience.

My biggest takeaway from this project is that this experience could be helpful in helping new instructional designers navigating challenging SME behavior due to the realistic nature of the scenarios.

Overall, this project was rewarding and I was able to use my instructional design skills to serve a real-world need.


Monkeypox Mini-Module


Virtual Icebreaker Facilitator and Participant Guides